Welcome to stages

Stages is an ensemble of actors, writers, directors, teachers and designers. Stages was founded in 2000 with the objective of producing and promoting high quality, cutting-edge, original Sri Lankan theatre.

Excellence in PRODUCTIONS

We believe all Sri Lankans have the right to access high quality art. And so, we pursue excellence in our creative work and strive to make it accessible to all audiences.



We know artists are integral to a healthy society.

And so, we work to sustain and improve the arts industry in Sri Lanka, supporting and challenging local artists to do the same.

Building up COMMUNITY

We want Sri Lankan children to have the right to a career in the arts.

And so, we are building the next generation of artists in Sri Lanka, providing them with the opportunities, networks and skills we never inherited as artists.

 Solidarity through ACTIVISM

We believe that artists need to be ready to respond to urgent crises, challenges and changes that take place around them.

And so  we respond to things that disturb the balance in the society and  stand in solidarity with the afflicted.

What’s Going On?


Ruwanthie de Chickera is an awarding winning playwright, screenwriter, theatre director, actor trainer and cultural activist. She is the founder and artistic director of Stages Theatre Group. She has written and directed over 30 original plays and two screen plays. The first play she wrote, at the age of 19, won her international recognition and pivoted her into Sri Lankan theatre. Her first film, ‘Machan’, is recognized as a watershed moment in Sri Lankan cinema, it has won several international and local awards and was screened in over 50 countries.



Children in Lockdown Arts Festival
hELD ONLINE FROM 26-28 November 2021

A 3 day festival of the arts showcasing the work of 20 artists, commissioned and curated by Stages theatre Group to explore what the pandemic was like for children; giving children an equally important/valid voice as an adult artist. 6 of the 20 works of art were proposed by children. The festival had theatre, film, dance, music, puppetry, writing, readings, artist talks and panel discussions facilitated in English, Sinhala, Tamil and Sign Language.

An art exhibition was curated by two child artists and included the artwork of over 140 children from around Sri Lanka while in the Mentorship Programme 4 child artists and 1 adult artist received personal guidance from a professional artist with experience in the genre of their proposed artwork.

The festival played out in 2 sessions per day. Each session contained a selection of artworks and artists talks on a particular theme, concluding with a panel discussion that delved deep into the issues raised by the artworks.